Sunday, 7 November 2021

In The Darkest Night, Jesus Is Light


'In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.' John1:4-5

On the 31 Oct 2021, we were at Marlborough UK, spending time with Debbie, John and the grandchildren. It was reputedly the darkest night of the year. The town had a celebration of this dark night of the year which coincided with the now American tradition of Halloween. 

The Celts marked this day as the beginning of the Celt New Year celebrating the end of the harvest season with a festival call Samhain. They would light bonfires and wear costumes, ostensibly to ward off ghosts. Then, Pope Gregory III designated the first of November as All Saints Day. Thus the evening before, was known as All Hallows Eve hence the later name, Halloween. Halloween was celebrated in Scotland and Ireland for centuries. The Irish and Scottish migrants brought many Halloween customs to North America in the 19th century. 

In the area around Marlborough in Wiltshire, scattered around the countryside are stone circles, the most famous being Stonehenge. In days of old, the Celts and the Druids would gather around these circles to worship and lit their torches in this the darkest night. It seems a perfect stage to celebrate the dark night of the year. 

But why celebrate darkness? The Emmanuel Church Marlborough which John and Debbie attend refused to mark such a festival. Instead that night they treated the children to a bonfire, celebrating the festival of light and the end of the harvest season instead of darkness. The children will light off sparklers and fireworks and will also receive an ample supply of sweets. 

Darkness is used to hide things and secrets. It is no wonder that some people fear darkness because they do not know what lurks in it. Darkness shrouds many grevious sins and malevolent intentions. Lady MacBeth in speaking of her evil intention, wanted the cover of the night to hide it, "Come thick night; And pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell; That my keen knife see not the wound it makes, nor heaven peep through the blanket of night."
In teaching about darkness and light, the Bible said,

'This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but the people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.' John 3:19-21

In celebrating light, the children of the Emmanuel Church Marlborough are taught that there is no need to fear the dark. Luke, our 6 year old grandson, attended a 'Bright Lights Night' where there was a bonfire. He received a string of verses concerning Jesus coming as the Light of the World. Luke would wear these verses as bracelets around his wrist. 

'Jesus said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John 8:12

'In Him (Jesus) was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.' John 1:15

'Believe in the light while you have the light so that you may become children of light.' John 12:36

'I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.' John 12:46

Light reveals truth. It is hard to admit our imperfections or admit we are all sinners. But the light that Jesus reveals truth about ourselves. It takes a good deal of humility to see ourselves for what we are.

Light causes growth. Like plants who use the energy of the sunlight to photosynthesise and grow, we too will grow and blossom in the light of Christ. We are guided by the light of God's Word which is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our paths.  

Light reassures. Just as light from the sun warms us, so too will the light of Christ reassure us and warm our hearts. The burden of sin is lifted and we are secure.  Jesus, the Light, brings us to a place of peace with ourselves and with the world.

The Museum of the Moon at the Chapel, Marlborough College

At the same time in last week of Oct 2021, in the chapel of Marlborough College, there was an Exhibition of the Moon; a touring artwork by Luke Jerram. Staring at the large brightly lit globe in that beautiful wood panelled chapel, brought to mind the assurance of a shining moon in the dark of the night. However, despite the romantic song, 'By the Light of the Silvery Moon,' the moon does not have light of itself. The light which emanates from the moon and clearly lights up the night, is a reflection of the sunlight.

So are all Christians, who are called to be lights of the world, we are to reflect the light of Christ and thereby set fine examples of decent conduct in a darkened world. That is our witness. Jesus said, 

"You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light up a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on a stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:14-16 

Let our lights shine even in the darkest night and at the darkest hour. Let's shine exuberantly!  'This Little Light Of Mine, I'm Gonna Let It Shine.'

This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

Everywhere I go, I'm gonna let it shine.
Everywhere I go, I'm gonna let it shine.
Everywhere I go, I'm gonna let it shine.
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

We will sing in peace,
We will sing in harmony.
We will sing in peace,
We will sing in harmony.
We will sing in peace,
We will sing in harmony.
We will sing in peace,
We will sing in harmony.

Let it shine around the world, We're gonna let it shine.
Let it shine around the world, We're gonna let it shine.
Let it shine around the world, We're gonna let it shine.
Let it shine around the world!

Let it shine, We'll all shine, We'll all shine, We'll all shine!
Let shine, let it shine, let it shine!


Sunday, 31 October 2021

Perfect Peace

UN Peace Stamps

'You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, all all the trees of the field will clap their hands.' Isaiah 55:12

'Give Peace A Chance' became the anti Vietnam war song at a time when many of my generation were growing up; either studying or starting our careers. That was from 1969 to 1975. It had a rather quirky beginning in that it was written by John Lennon and Yoko Ono during their 'Bed-In' honeymoon in Montreal, 31 May 1969, an attention capturing international display.

On the 15 Nov 1969, this song was sung in Washingston DC by more than half a million demonstrators against the Vietnam war. Pete Seeger who led the singing shouted over the microphone, "Are you listening, Nixon?" as the protestors sang "All we are saying is give peace a chance."

John Lennon stated at one of his last interview, in 1980, "It wasn't like you have to have peace! Just give it a chance. We ain't giving any gospel here - just saying how about this version for a chance? We think we have the right to have a say in the future. And we think the future is made in the your mind."

Really? Even though the idealists thought that the song and protests brought about the end of the Vietnam war, after nearly 40 years later where is the peace? John Lennon was right when he sarcastically mentioned there is no gospel in the song. Forty years hence still no chance of peace; where there is no gospel there is no peace.

Those who live by the gospel that Jesus Christ brings are at peace with ourselves even though there is no peace in the world. There will not peace so long as sin prevails and we can only hope to wait for the second coming of Jesus Christ to establish a new heaven and a new earth. 

That is when Christ will establish Perfect Peace. Till then, my church's choir, the Charis Methodist Church's Choir sang out what is the deep yearning of our hearts, to be at peace with ourselves, with others and with God.

When life’s burdens get so heavy
 And it seems I’m all alone,
I cast my care on Jesus
 And come boldly to His throne.
I find His grace sufficient
 When His promises I heed.
For His very life He sacrificed,
And He lives to intercede.

He is the Lord of Lords, 
And when He speaks winds and waves obey.
When Jesus whispers “Peace be still,”
Then darkness turns to day.
And as I’m trusting in my Savior’s Word
 Doubts and fears all cease,
And beneath the shelter of His wings
 I’m at rest in perfect peace.

I will seek for souls in darkness,
Calvary’s love with them to share.
Empowered by His Spirit
I will follow anywhere.
For I know whate’er befalls me
My Lord is in control.
And as my mind is stayed on Him
Perfect peace he gives my soul.

The peace that Jesus promises is different. Although there will be trouble and tribulation, Jesus tells us not to worry for He has overcomed the world.

'Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.' John 14:27

'I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.' John 16:33   

St Paul recognised that in a troubled world there are insecurities and worries and he pointedly advised, 

'Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.' Phil 4:6-7 

Living in peace with each other was strongly advocated for the early church, 

'If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.'Romans 12:18 
'Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.' Romans 14:19

As God's people, we can to offer this peace. Let there be Peace on Earth and Let it begin with Me.

Let there be peace on earth
And let it begin with me
Let There Be Peace on Earth
The peace that was meant to be
With God as our Father
Brothers all are we
Let me walk with my brother
In perfect harmony.

Let peace begin with me
Let this be the moment now.
With ev'ry step I take
Let this be my solemn vow
To take each moment and live
Each moment in peace eternally
Let there be peace on earth
And let it begin with me

"Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed," says the Lord, who has compassion on you.' Isaiah 54:10


Sunday, 24 October 2021

Whistle Down The Wind

 'I do not call you servants any longer, because servants do not know what their master is doing. Instead, I call you friends, because I have told you everything I have heard from My Father.' John 15:15

Jesus Christ was in ministry for a very short time, about three years. But Jesus left behind Christianity, a movement that lasted beyond 2,000 years to eternity. In his 10 day devotion on 'The leadership Style of Jesus,' Michael Youssef wrote, 'Jesus poured out His life, not only on the cross, but also in the relationships He cultivated during His time on earth. As a result, one need only look to the decades following His ascension that the ragtag group of fishermen, tax collectors, zealots and other unlikely apostles had changed the world.' (Ref 1)

A good legacy of one's life are long lasting friendships and good influences. There is a song 'Whistle Down The Wind' by Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber. Contrary to the traditional meaning of the phrase, the lyrics of this song convey the message of allowing the 'down wind' to carry one's influence to a worthy recipient. It is a song of true friendships and faithful relationships

Whistle down the wind
Let your voices carry
Drown out all the rain
Light a patch of darkness
Treacherous and scary

Howl at the stars,
Whisper when you're sleeping
I'll be there to hold you
I'll be there to stop the chills
And all the weeping

Make it clear and strong
So the whole night long
Every signal that you send
Until the very end
I will not abandon you
My precious friend

So try and stem the tide
then you'll raise a banner
Send a flare up in the sky,
Try to burn a torch
And try to build a bonfire
Every signal that you send 
Until the very end, I'm there

So whistle down the wind
For I have always been right there

True, long-lasting friendship is the kind of friendship that Proverbs 17:17 speaks of,

'A friend loves at all times and a brother is born for a time of adversity.' 

I love making friends. The friends I have in the community, in church and wherever I worked are very precious. They shape and influence my life. Not all of them are Christians but I treasure the non-Christians just the same. I hope that I have influenced them too, that maybe sharing my life and experiences helped them to shape their lives too. We are still talking, meeting and chatting over the internet. It is like whistling down the wind where there is always someone to hear.

But there is no better friend than Jesus Christ. Jesus' version of friendship is radically different, He introduces sacrificial love among friends, 

"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends." John 15:12-13

Jesus defines friendship as the willingness to lay down one's life for one's friend. This seems unreal in today's context. We think of friendships as getting together with our friends; sharing a good meal, having tea or going out for drinks. Sometimes today's friendships can be exploitative. Jesus' concept of friendship is not just to make acquaintances but to share life. The fourth-century theologian Ambrose eloquently captured this understanding, 

'Let us reveal our bosom to a friend and let him reveal his to us. Therefore, He said, "I have called you friends, because all that I have heard from my Father, I have made known to you." Therefore a friend hides nothing, if he is true: he pours forth his mind. In sharing everything, Jesus enables his disciples to participate in the intimacy and trust of the Father, by means of which they acquire that ‘openness’ which is the privilege of a free man and a friend.'

Many of us have experienced this self-sacrificing love and friendship of Jesus Christ. It is well expressed in a favourite hymn What A Friend We Have In Jesus, written by Joseph Scriven, an Irish poet. 

While we all sing the hymn very often, few of us know that the author Joseph Scriven was a man acquainted with griefs and sorrows. Scriven never married; two of his fiancees died just before he was about to be married. His life was plaqued with financial difficulties, poor health and depression. Yet he helped the poor and handicapped. It was said that he used to saw wood for the stoves of the handicap and elderly.  He wrote the lyrics of this song, while in Canada, to comfort his mother who was seriously ill in Ireland. 

Despite his difficulties, Scriven knew the value of a friendship with Jesus which he expressed so well in the lyrics of this hymn.

What a Friend we have in Jesus
All our sins and griefs to bear
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer
O what peace we often forfeit
O what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer

Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged
Take it to the Lord in prayer
Can we find a friend so faithful 
Who will all our sorrows bear
Jesus knows our every weakness
Take it to the Lord in prayer

Are we weak and heavy laden
Cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Saviour, still our refuge
Take it to the Lord inprayer
Do your friends despice, forsake you?
Take it to the Lord in prayer
In His arms He'll take and shield you
You will find a solace there.

Let us make good friends as Christ would want us to. Let us leave behind legacies of good relationships and good influences. Let us whistle down the wind.


Ref 1: Michael Youssef, 'The Leadership Style of Jesus' Day 10 Leading The Way Ministries.  

Sunday, 17 October 2021

He's Got The World In His Hands

Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Yunnan

'Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.' Joshua 1:9

Recently, Singapore joined many other countries to 'Live with Covid.' The high take up of vaccination (more that 84% of the population are fully vaccinated), and the protection accorded against severe disease allowed Singapore to take this approach. Severe restrictions hurt the Singapore economy and our status as a international hub, a serious threat to our livelihood and future.  However the delta variant of the Corona virus is highly contagious and breakthrough infections post-vaccination occur at a significant rate albeit mild or asymptomatic.

Living with Covid comes with some restrictions. It is not without difficulties. Unfortunately many citizens gripe and rail against the government especially the netizens in internet chatrooms. These pampered and overly cared for complainants are unwilling to live with difficulties. What ingratitude! 

There may be another reason why people complain at times of crisis and difficulties, insecurity. Some may feel that life has bottomed out and they feel uncertain and insecure. At such times, it will do well for us to remember God's promise in Isaiah 54:10,

"Though the mountains be shaken and hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed," says the Lord, who has compassion on you.

The grumblings of Singaporeans reminds us of the attitude of the Israelites as they wandered in the wilderness during the Exodus. The wandering Israelites grumbled against Moses and then God Himself. Despite all that God had done for them, providing manna, quails and water, they were not satisfied and rebelled against Him.

It is true that life in the Sinai desert was not easy. Pippa, Nikki Gumbel's wife said, 'Life for God's people doesn't seem very easy. They didn't spend their days having fun, playing in the sunshine. There were difficulties everywhere; hunger and thirst, aggressive neighbours and snakes!' As Mark Twain once said 'Life is just one darn thing after another. God doesn't seem to take difficulties away but He does help us come through them.' (Ref 1) 

God may be silent at such times of crisis but He is never absent. We are not insulated from a difficult life but in the difficulties, God is there for us. Recognise the value of God's promises and presence.

There was a dialogue of God with Moses in the desert recorded in Exodus 33 that underscores the importance Moses attached to God being present with the Israelites in their exodus out of Egypt. This was right after the Israelites committed a grievous sin by worshipping the golden calf they had forged. Moses was so incensed by their idolatry that he smashed the tablets with the Ten Commandments, tossed the idol into the fire, ground the residue and forced the Israelites to drink the sludge.

Following the commotion, there was a respite when Moses met with God. God instructed Moses to leave the area and to carry on their journey but this time, without Him. 

'Go up to the land flowing with milk and honey. But I will not go with you, because you are a stiff-necked people and I might destroy you on the way.' Exodus 33:3

But Moses flatly refused to accept that condition. He argued,

'If Your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. How will anyone know that You are pleased with me and with Your people unless You go with us? What else will distinguish me and Your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?' Exodus 33:15-16
Despite all their shortcomings, the Israelites knew that the distinguishing mark that made all the difference, was God's presence with them. They are the people of God. And so, they journeyed for forty years in the wilderness towards the promised land always with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night  signifying God's presence. 

The experience of Living With Covid can be seen in the same context. In our lifetimes there will be such times of crisis and challenge. God did not promise skies always blue. Nevertheless at such times, God is there for us.

'Don't be afraid, I've redeemed you. I've called your name. You're mine. When you're in over your head, I'll be there with you. When you're in rough waters, you will not go down. When you're between a rock and a hard place, it won't be a dead end. Because I am God, your personal God.' Isaiah 43:1-3 The Message

Are we worried about Covid virus? Are we concerned that this pandemic has ravaged the world? Do we live in fear of Covid? We need not fear. Jesus said,

'In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.' John 16:33

He's got the whole world in His hands! Sing along with African Children Choir

He's got the whole world in His hands
He's got the whole wide world in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands
He's got the little bitty baby in His hands
He's got the little bitty baby in His hands
He's got the little bitty baby in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands
He's got you and me brother in His hands
He's got you and me sister in His hands
He's got you and me brother in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands
He's got everybody here in His hands
He's got everybody here in His hands
He's got everybody here in His hands
He's got the whole world in His hands


Ref 1. Niky Gumbel Day 85, Bible In One Year  2020