Sunday, 2 April 2023

Listen, do you want to hear God?

Conversations with James

'Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.' Psalm 119:105

The Hebrew word for the Bible is “Miqra”. This is rooted to the verb “qara” which means “to call”. The Bible is not just a repository of spiritual information, not just a book to carry around, but a voice to listen to. We should read the Bible in the anticipation of listening to the voice of God which we should obey and so live our lives.

At no time am I more aware of the dynamics of listening and obeying than in watching my grandson, James, grow up. James is now 15 years old but years ago I enjoyed watching James at play or at the table for breakfast. I observed the interplay between the child and his mother. Mother gives, sometimes shouts, instructions. James hears, listens, and obeys. Most times, James responded to his mother’s call in faith. He understood that his mum meant well for him and he saw no reason not to respond positively to her instructions.

James, Eleanor, Luke
The same is true for Eleanor, now 12 and Luke, now 7 years old.  

But even as young as 1 year old, these children have a mind of their own. So, there were times when the children would exert their wills taking on personal responses which might not always bring them in alignment with their Mum. 

The grandchildren are also exposed to the extended family. They are listening to the voices of their father, grandparents and beyond us to other adult voices especially in church. Our voices are shaping them, molding their character and developing consciences; these are the healthy dynamics of growing up children.

The same dynamics work in the hearing of God's voice, through the the Bible; Miqra, a voice to listen to. Each day, like a mother guides her children, the word of God 'speaks' to us.

'How can a young person stay pure? By obeying Your word. I have hidden Your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you' Psalm 119:9,11 (NLT)

The Bishop Robert Solomon in his book 'The Conscience' stated “The conscience is like a divine spark in human beings, but it has been dulled and neglected and require the Logos (Word) in the revelation of the Scriptures and Christ to be revived and renewed.” Coming from Christian roots, we hope by example and gentle persuasion to help the grandchildren define, a godly conscience with good attitudes and virtues. From the earliest ages, they have been taught to read the Bible. The psalmist said, 

'Be good to your servant, that I may live and obey Your word. Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in Your instructions.' Psalm 119:17-18 (NLT)

'Teach me Your decrees, O Lord; I will keep them to the end. Give me understanding and I will obey Your instructions; I will put them into practice with all my heart. Make me walk along the path of Your commands, for that is where my happiness is found.' Psalm 119:33-35 (NLT)

'Your laws are my treasure; they are my heart's delight. I am determined to keep your decrees to the very end.' Psalm 119:111-112 

These 'conversations with God's Word,' allow Christians 

'to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have received.' Ephesians 4:1 

The word, “worthy” is translated from the Greek word, 'axios.' This word 'axios' pictures a balancing scale. The items which Paul asked to be in balance, are God’s calling and personal direction. This will be expected of our grandchildren as of all of us too, to keep our walk and God’s call in equilibrium.

Indeed 'God's word is a lamp unto our feet.' 

Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path
Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path
When I feel afraid
Think I've lost my way
Still you're there right beside me
And nothing will I fear
As long as you are near
Please be near me to the end
Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path
Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path
I will not forget
Your love for me and yet
My heart forever is wandering
Jesus be my guide
And hold me to your side
I will love you to the end
Nothing will I fear as long as you are near
Please be near me to the end
Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path
Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path
And a light unto my path
You're the light unto my path


Updated 1st Published 11 April 2010

Ref:  Solomon, Robert M, The Conscience - Rediscovering the Inner Compass Singapore Genesis Books 2010

Sunday, 26 March 2023

Somebody's Praying For Me

'I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people.... that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.' 1 Timothy 2:1-2

Intercession is a Christian privilege. The word “intercessor” has roots in Greek, and the Greek meaning is “to meet with, come between." When we pray an intercessory prayer for someone, we stand in the gap between that person and God, we make representations on behalf of a beloved friend or family member to God

There is a small group of intercessors in Charis Methodist Church who have been meeting weekly for many years to pray for the church and its members. These Christians will receive prayer requests and commit the items to God. 

Recently both Pat and I experienced the power of this intercession and the effects it has on our faith when these dedicated prayer warriors prayed for Pat as she undergoes chemotherapy for lymphoma. To be sure we do not know yet how and when God will answer this intercession but we are sure that we are blessed. Our hearts are warmed by the ministry. 

One of the ladies will telephone Pat prior to any major treatment and pray with her. When she prays, I feel that she is praying as naturally as birds sing; so sincere, full of faith and with quiet passion.

In these days on the social media, the WhatsApp Chatgroups are also the places where Christians in small groups, bible studies, choir and praise groups are interceding for one another. Recently several choir members were down with the Covid-19 infection, the Choir WhatsApp chatgroup became abuzz with short messages of intercessory prayers. There are so many friends and family praying for us that we feel the grace of God upon us. We are very encouraged and uplifted, knowing how  fervently they are praying.

The power of intercession is not just about the results nor the effectiveness of the prayer. It is really about how much love is put into the prayer. A dramatic example of 'standing in the gap' intercession is found in the healing of the paralysed man told in the Gospels. 

'A few days later, when Jesus again entered Capernaum, the people heard that he had come home. They gathered in such large numbers that there was no room left, not even outside the door, and he preached the word to them. Some men came, bringing a paralysed man, carried by four of them. Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralysed man, "Son your sins are forgiven." Mark 2:1-5

This paralysed man had no way to reach Jesus by himself. His four friends helped him and they went to great lengths to bring him to Jesus. They lowered him from the roof. They interceded for this man in a dramatic fashion. Eventually Jesus not only healed the paralysis but he noted and commended the faith of the four men. 

What does this teach us about intercessory prayer? It is not the prayer itself, not the content or even the words that were uttered that matter. What really matters is the fervency of the heart. 

To this end, we realise that Jesus Christ is our ultimate intercessor. Jesus Christ is the one who stands between and pleads the case for us all. He paid the ultimate price, He sacrificed His life.

'For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all people' 1 Timothy 2:5-6

We thank God for the many who are praying for us. There is a wonderful song, 'Somebody's Praying For Me' written by Don Moen. In one of the introductions to this song, Don Moen quoted from the Epistle of James,

'The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.' James 5:16

Don Moen said, "The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man or woman makes all the difference in the world. You are here today because someone prayed for you and we must continue to pray for one another during these times."  

I was lost in a desert land
So dry and thirsty
But God was there where he'd always been
Giving grace and mercy
So hard to sing and hard to pray
Yet I knew His word was true
And then one day my faith returned
And suddenly I knew
Somebody's praying for me
Somebody's knocking on heaven's door
Somebody's praying for me
Somebody's lifting me up to the Lord
I knew it had to be
Somebody down on their knees
Somebody praying for me
I've been spared by so many prayers
How many times I could not say
What a difference a prayer can make When it's offered up in faith
God has always made a way
When I didn't know what to do
Just when I needed a miracle
That's when your prayers broke through
Somebody's praying for me
Somebody's knocking on heaven's door
Somebody's praying for me
Somebody's lifting me up to the Lord well I knew it had to be
Somebody down on their knees
Somebody praying for me
Now I know that friend was you
You were the gift God gave me
'Cause when you prayed
His love broke through
It was your prayer that saved me
Thank you for praying for me
Thank you for knocking on heaven's door
Thank you for praying for me
Thank you for lifting me up to the Lord now I can clearly see
That you were the one on your knees
So thank you for praying for me
Somebody's praying for me
Somebody's knocking on heaven's door
Somebody's praying for me
Somebody's lifting me up to the Lord well I knew it had to be
Somebody down on their knees
Somebody praying for me


Sunday, 19 March 2023

On Fire For Jesus


'Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.' Hebrews 12:28-29

A fire gutted St Barnabas Church in Sydney several years ago. Bad news for St Barnabas but over time, the church was able to find the finances to rebuild. The new church building at the same location was completed some years later. One can say that St Barnabas rose out of the ashes of the fire. I took the photograph outside the church a year after the fire; St Barnabas is still on fire! This is good Christian witness!

Still burning for Jesus speaks of Revivals. One such revival started recently in Asbury Kentucky USA on the 8 February 2023. The Asbury Revival started when students of Asbury University, a Christian university, spontaneously continued to stay behind in the Hughes Auditorium after a regular chapel service. Many others joined them in worship that seemed never to end. The President of the university, Kevin Brown sent out an email, "There's worship happening in Hughes. You're welcome to join." The news spread like wild fire and soon many descended onto the auditorium joining in worship, many from the surrounding cities and universities. The video below are testimonies of witnesses to the revival

A Christian revival is the work of the Holy Spirit, who touches the hearts and spirits of individuals, churches and communities in a most inexplicable and unexpected manner, stirring them towards piety, worship and commitment. “We want to be true to how the Holy Spirit showed up with our students,” said Baldwin, the vice president of student life. “We experienced joy. We experienced love. We experienced peace. There was lots of singing and testimonies. Those became our signposts. This is how, in front of our eyes, we are seeing the Holy Spirit come upon our students, and we want to honor that.”

Revival occurs when a Christian community undergoes revitalisation. It is a religious awakening, a renewed interest in the spiritual and a strengthening of faith. In words of the St Barnabas Church of Sydney, "On fire for Jesus."

We acknowledge that God moves in mysterious ways. Jesus said

'The Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life. The wind blows wherever it wants. Just as you can hear the wind but can't tell where it comes from or where it is going, so you can't explain how people are born of the Spirit.' John 3:6b and 8 (NLT). 

Jesus tells us that the Spirit blows where it wills (John 3:8). And sometimes God does what Jonathan Edwards called “surprising work” and John Wesley referred to an “extraordinary” ministry. 

The university is named after Francis Asbury, an early Methodist Bishop, who himself experienced many revivals. The Methodist Church has a long tradition of how to to nurture an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, a theology that teaches us to wait and watch for a divine wind to blow, a movement of the Holy Spirit. 

When the emotions subside, the music fade and the praise and worship cease, what will remain is the longer term impact of this movement of the Holy Spirit. Revival will
  • Restore our relationship with God
  • Humble us in the presence, glory and majesty of God
  • Turn us to obeying God
  • Turn us away from sin
  • Lead us to find God's will 
  • Improve our relationship with others
  • Imbue us with a sense of mission, service and discipleship
The Church needs an awakening and reawakening from time to time. We need to be on fire with God and not turn lukewarm like the church in Laodicea.

"I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other. But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. 
You say, 'I am rich. I have everything I want. I don't need a thing!' But you don't realise that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked." Revelations 3:3:15-17

So let us 'Catch the Fire!'

Won't You, Lord, take a look at our hands
Everything we have, use it for your plan
Won't You, Lord, take a look at our hearts
Mold it, refine it as You set us apart

We want to run to the altar and catch the fire
To stand in the gap between the living and the dead
Give us a heart of compassion for a world without vision
We will make a difference bringing hope to our land

We will answer the call to build this church without walls
Let Your glory be shown, bring salvation to the lost
To the lost.


Sunday, 12 March 2023

A Quiet Place


“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalms 46:10

There is a very small island call Visovac in the middle of a lake at the KRKA National Park in Croatia. The lake is surrounded by mountains and wooded hillsides. It can be reached by boat from the village of Skradin. Pat and I visited Visovac on the 25 August 2005 and decided it must be the choicest place on earth to have a quiet retreat.

The Augustinian monks built a monastery there in the 15th Century. They vacated the place when the Turks ruled the Balkans. In their place, the Franciscans came. Today only 8 Franciscan monks and novices live on the island tending to the monastery and gardens. For these monks, the seclusion is medicine for the restive soul. It is the perfect place to recede from our busy, crowded world for contemplation and the study of faith and theology.

Many of us feel that living in a monastery is a form of escaping from the realities of the modern world. Some of us look down on these monks because we think they are avoiding the challenges of the outside world. We need to do things whereas monastery living is not so much about doing and achieving but to be in the presence of God. Places like Visovac engender a quiet contemplative environment where the focus is on being rather than doing.

This is unfamiliar territory for many of us. We live in a very busy go-get-to-it world. The present worldview makes us measure ourselves by what we do or achieve and judge others in the same way. 

Such a living quickly wears out not only the physical body but also the soul and spirit. There is hardly any time to stop and think. The moments pass us by and before long we become old.  Then we realize, rather too latMy files - OneDrivee, that we have lost time and failed to savour and enjoy inspirational moments. If only we can find our very own quiet place, then we can appreciate this song 'Be still for the presence of the Lord'. 

Be still, for the presence of the Lord,
The holy One, is here;
Come bow before him now
With reverence and fear
In him no sin is found
We stand on holy ground.
Be still, for the presence of the Lord,
The holy One, is here.
Be still, for the glory of the Lord
Is shining all around;
He burns with holy fire,
With splendour he is crowned:
How awesome is the sight
Our radiant king of light!
Be still, for the glory of the Lord
Is shining all around.
Be still, for the power of the Lord
Is moving in this place:
He comes to cleanse and heal,
To minister his grace -
No work too hard for him.
In faith receive from him.
Be still, for the power of the Lord
Is moving in this place.

Our world cannot manage this stillness. In the Battle of the Fittest, success goes to the aggressive person who needs to climb up the corporate ladder in a rat race. To them, to be gentle, contemplative and still before God is to be weak. 

Jesus understood the struggles of the law of the jungle completely and all of its futility. Jesus advises us, 

"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart" Matthew 11:29

Everyone needs to find a quiet place where one can visit with God and hear the quiet and gentle whispers of God’s leading. The Quakers call this  'soul making' and seek often these times of refreshing for the soul and strengthen it.


Updated 1st published 8 Dec 2019