Sunday 7 August 2022

Seeing Through The Mist

Seeing Through The Mist, Snowy Mountains Australia

'Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see as if face to face. Now I know of life, in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known by God.'  1 Corinthian 13:12 

The morning was enveloped with a thick mist as I walked alone on a lonely country road in the Snowy Mountains region in Jindabyne, Australia. The fresh air laden with dew was cold on my face but I did not mind; walking alone that morning brought serenity and solace. These lonely moments are hard to find.

The road before me was obscured by fog but it was sufficiently visible to ascertain the direction of my path. I realised that the ability to see through the mist, even with some degree of uncertainty, is exactly how I have obtained guidance from God throughout life. My limited vision and mind cannot completely comprehend God nor let me view life with definite clarity.

Fogginess can be a natural aspect of life. When we try to perceive life, we must be prepared to peer through the mist and accept some mystery. Calvin Miller (Ref 1) said "Mystical is that wonderful word we apply to things that have ultimate meaning but elude our understanding." He advocated that Christians need not always perceive life cognitively. We should lose the desire to always want to be in control. This is what I have also learnt especially since that I started meditation from April 2021.

With solitary walks or with meditation, we learn to drop false pragmatism and embrace the practical reality that the Holy Spirit like the wind brings some uncertainty. We can sense its presence but will be uncertain where it comes from and whither it will go.

But we are not left alone groping. That morning when I walked through the mist I was not alone. I prayed and sang as though God walked with me and indeed He did. Although, we see through tinted glasses of our own inadequacies and sinfulness, there is comfort in the Christian understanding and experience that God is close at hand.

There is silence but the walk is not solitary. Two songs accompanied me.

Walk with me through the long and lonely night
Walk with me and my world is filled with light
Here I stand feeling lost and so alone
Take my hand don't desert me now
Please don't hurt me now
If you walk with me though I know the road is long
I'll get by with your love to make me strong
More by far than a guiding star above
I long for you
Walk with me oh my love
Somewhere the sunbirds fly
In a clear blue sky
Only you and I there together
Love me now and for ever
Walk with me through the long and lonely night
Walk with me and my world is filled with light
Here I stand feeling lost and so alone
Take my hand don't desert me now
Please don't hurt me now
If you walk with me though I know the road is long
I'll get by with your love to make me strong
More by far than a guiding star above
I long for you
Walk with me oh my love
I long for you
Walk with me oh my love

I'm not alone while walking o'er life's journey.
I have a friend who walks along with me.
I'm not alone although I'm often lonely.
My saviour God is by me constantly.
So when the storms of life assail me
and earthly friendships fail me,
I'll sing and smile o'er every mile
till I reach my heavenly home.

St Paul wrote in 1 Cor 13:12, 

Now we see but a poor reflection of life and it's journey as in a mirror; then we shall see distinctly as if face to face. Now I know of life, in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known by God (italics mine).


Updated 1st published 9 Oct 2008

1. Calvin Miller “Into the Depths of God” Bethany House, 2000


  1. Very nice. I enjoyed the quote from Calvin Milleri, and the experience of fog is a great cue in the natural world for us to ponder the significance of the mystical experience of God in our lives.

  2. I wrote a song a few years back as I ruminated on this verse. You might remember me singing it at Ps Sam's farewell. Here are the lyrics, hope it blesses you! :)


    There's a fog in my eyes and I can't see
    Where the earth ends and begins the sea
    When the dusk gives up its light
    When the shore fades out of sight
    Am I alone or are You with me

    There's a weight on my chest and I can't breathe
    As I follow Your voice in the wind
    Will my world be left behind
    Or is there life for me to find
    Am I in chains or am I set free

    Though now I peer, into a mirror darkly
    Oh that one day, Your face I will see
    Though now I know, in broken pieces
    Oh to behold You, like You've always known me

    There's a limp in my stride and I can't run
    Long is this race I have barely begun
    Will I stumble round the bend
    Or will I make it to the end
    To be called a son, a friend

    Though now I peer, into a mirror darkly
    Oh that one day, Your face I will see
    Though now I know, in broken pieces
    Oh to behold You, like You've always known me

  3. Thanks Kenneth Very good lyrics, very deep and contemplative. It complements this article

  4. Tan Peck Hong wrote:
    Thank you for this Sunday’s contemplation and sharing. It’s always a blessing and something I look forward to, to check and read every Sunday.

    Sometimes walking or journeying through a time that is misty or foggy is a privilege to lean hard on the Lord. And from my personal experience the outcome at the end of that time is always such a great blessing filled with joy and satisfaction. My personal feeling is that such is a time the Lord has orchestrated to train me in lessons of leaning on Him.

    The sweet fellowship with and closeness to the Lord through the experience is so refreshing and faith building. The absolute dependence meant no distraction from options and self devised solutions - such a clean and precious privilege.

    As I listened to the 2 songs you shared, I thought of 2 other songs that I remember.
    I come to the garden alone and Jesus and me ( I travel alone along this lonesome way….)

    You are absolutely right. Even in our walk through uncertainty, as children of God, we are never walking on our own. Jesus is always with us and is always present. He always has a plan, a purpose and He always brings good out of our uncertain/difficult situation. We may not be able to see the solution but we can surely trust that He already has the solution and has made a way for us to break through/journey on. Such is the great faithfulness of our God who has promised He will never leave or forsake us.
