Showing posts with label Moses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moses. Show all posts

Sunday, 16 February 2025

From Ritual to Relationship

Awe and Wonder - A Starry Night

 'Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear  my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.' Rev 3:20 (NLT)

Have you ever wondered in attending church services how leaders and congregation are more concerned about the conduct of worship than the experience of worship itself? Our Pastor in his opening sermon on the 1 Jan 2023, brought the congregation of Charis back to the basics when he encouraged us to experience worship as a meeting of God's people in God's presence. 

He asked two fundamental questions
  1. What is worship?
  2. What is needed in worship?
Let's ponder over these questions because many have become rather disillusioned with the way worship of God proceeds in our church worship services today. 

What is worship? Rev Lui stressed the point that worship happens when people encounter God. It happens when people meet God and vice versa. Rather than become distracted by the mechanics in the conduct of the service, we should experience the encounter. We should be cautious NOT to create the impression that God can be 'more present' when we use music, sermons, rituals to engender a more inspirational atmosphere. Rev Lui said, "Don't feel pressured to make God show up." The presence of God is entirely of God's doing. 
  • God's Promised Presence. This is a gift of God's love for us individually and corporately. In the meeting between God, Moses and the people in the Sinai wilderness, God promised
'My presence will go with you and I will give you rest' Exodus 33:14
  • God's Experienced Presence. There is no substitute for the manifested presence of God. Each time we enter a church or be called as a people of God to worship, we should feel or find the presence of God within us or around us, He is always present. How God would meet us is entirely up to Him, we cannot manipulate it. Moses understood this fundamental requirement when he rejected the suggestion to use angels to guide the people's journey in the wilderness
'If Your presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and Your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and Your people from all the other people in the face of the earth?' Exodus 33:15-16
  • God's Unveiled Presence. Cultivate a hunger for the Lord and not rely on methods and programmes. There is no substitute for God's presence. Over-polished, entertaining, professional atmospheres and environment  distract and detract from the raw presence of God. Anticipate that God will reveal himself to us as we enter into the worship relationship. Moses was bold when he asked the Lord to show His glory.
'Then Moses said, "Now show me Your glory" And the Lord said, "I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim My name, The Lord, in your presence." Exodus 33:18 and 19a

What is needed in Worship? A hunger for God and an encounter with God. Moses asked God

"Teach me Your ways" Exodus 33:13.  

He was not asking for information or knowledge of God. Moses was not looking for facts but for the real experience of encountering God.

When we next come to Church for worship we should
  1. Anticipate God's presence
  2. Look for God's hand at work
  3. Listen for God's voice
  4. Open ourselves to God
Let's move from Duty to Devotion, from Ritual to Relationship. Come back to the 'Heart of Worship.'


Ref: Sermon by Rev Lui Yuan Tze on the 1 January 2023 at Charis Methodist Church

Updated 1st published 8 Jan 2023