- Help a friend, a stranger, even an enemy
- Render assistance at anytime and anywhere
- Give personal care and attention
- Act from good underlying attitudes and inner beliefs
- Be consistent and not just offer a one-off act of kindness
Sunday, 3 January 2021
The Masking of Nations
Friday, 1 January 2021
Day By Day
'Who is a God like You, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of His inheritance? You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depth of the seas.' Micah 7:18-19
Love Jesus
So how would we make good this New Year resolution? We turn to God for every encouragement, help, mercy and strength to walk through life one step at a time, day by day, using this prayer hymn. The secret to a deepening relationship with Jesus, to know, love and obey Him, is to pray day by day.
May 2021 be the year where we discover God, His will, His purposes for our lives.
Happy New Year
Sunday, 27 December 2020
Give Me This Mountain
The Dolomites |
'I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith' 2 Tim 4:7
- A Faith that never wavered
- A Strength that never weakened
- Take my life and let it beConsecrated, Lord, to Thee.Take my moments and my days,Let them flow in endless praise.
- Take my hands and let them moveAt the impulse of Thy love.Take my feet and let them beSwift and beautiful for Thee.
- Take my voice and let me sing,Always, only for my King.Take my lips and let them beFilled with messages from Thee.
- Take my silver and my gold,Not a mite would I withhold.Take my intellect and useEvery pow’r as Thou shalt choose.
- Take my will and make it Thine,It shall be no longer mine.Take my heart, it is Thine own,It shall be Thy royal throne.
- Take my love, my Lord, I pourAt Thy feet its treasure store.Take myself and I will beEver, only, all for Thee.
Ref 2: Harry Blamires. The Christian Mind, SPCK, 1963
Ref 3: Robert Solomon. Growing Old Gracefully, Following Jesus to the End, Discovery House, 2019
Friday, 25 December 2020
What Can I Give to Him?
The Christmas of 2020 must surely be one of the bleakest Christmases in history. The news of the unrelenting Covid-19 pandemic hitting record highs in infections and deaths is unrelenting in the week leading to the 25 December 2020. A new highly infectious strain of the virus appeared in Britain, has crossed into Europe and threatens to spread throughout the globe.
This season, governments are advising citizens not to go out to make merry, not even to meet in extended families to celebrate the Christmas. Christmas eve service in Bethlehem will not have a congregation. The Pope in the Vatican said Christmas mass without the usual crowded audience in St Peter's Square. Yesterday my family had our unusual virtual Christmas celebration on Zoom linking those of us from separate homes in Singapore, UK and the USA.
The shops are depleted of customers. There is almost no Christmas shopping. No one is trying to go bargain hunting for gifts this Christmas. There will be many a disappointed young boy or girl who will not receive many, even any, Christmas presents.
The tradition of giving each other gifts during Christmas is symbolic of the gift of the Christ child at the first Christmas. It also signifies the act of adoration and giving of presents to the Jesus by the Magi who visited him guided by the star in the east.
Now that many of us will not be receiving gifts, we can ask ourselves whether these gifts, however expensive, really matter? Instead, can we offer to each other something of worth? Can we offer to Jesus something of real worth this Christmas?
The Charis Methodist Church Choir rendered as a gift offering, a zoom virtual presentation of the song 'When I Kneel At The Manger Tonight' at our Covid-restricted, limited number, Worship Service on the 20 Dec 2020. The lyrics attempt answers to the question: What can I give to him? The real answer is, 'I have nothing to bring', nothing of worth, which is exactly what is happening with the lack of gift exchanges this Christmas.
What can I give to Him?